They say a good workman never blames his tools, but when it comes to knives having a decent set can save on time, money spent on new knives, and ultimately enable you to create great dishes. With the help of Chefs, we’ve scoured and reviewed the best knives currently on the market. Have a look below.

Victorinox is most famously known for the versatility of their swiss army knives, and they believe their chef knives are no different. Similar to the Wüsthof knives, the blade is forged from a single piece of steel.
What do the reviews say: Great brand and great knives, just ensure you buy the correct size knife for job.
With over 40 years’ experience, Wüsthof is renowned for their quality and heritage. Using just a single piece of steel to craft their knives, Wüsthof believes this ensures maximum quality.
What do the reviews say: Although the blade is sharp and precise, the overall knife for some is too lightweight.
*Get these knives for free when you buy 37 buckets of Hellmann's with Chef rewards (Ts+Cs apply).
If you’re looking for knives to stay sharp, the I.O. Shen knives will do just that. They use a layer of extremely hard Japanese steel, which is placed between two layers of softer stainless steel, this preserves sharpness and produces a clean cutting edge.
What do the reviews say: Great set of professional knives that stay sharp however the handles are wide which may not suit all Chefs.
Global: Cromova
Cromova knives by Global are handcrafted and taken through a process of ice tempering and hardening to get the right balance of sharpness and agility.
What do the reviews say: This knife is a great all-rounder, its durable, keeps its sharpness and is worth the investment.
In other news, get ready for the St. Patrick’s service with key tips from Chefs around the country AND see what the biggest eating trends are for the year.