


  • Olive oil 50.0 ml
  • Onions 250.0 g
  • Bay leaves
  • Celery 150.0 g
  • Leeks 150.0 g
  • Parsnips 500.0 g
  • Whole milk 800.0 ml
  • Water 600.0 ml
  • Salt 1.0 g
  • White Pepper 1.0 g

For the Parsley Cream:

  • Meadowland Double (1L) 150.0 ml
  • Parsley 50.0 g

Brian Lane is Executive Chef of Hallmark Care Homes and heads up their Chef Academy. Not forgetting he is also one of our Kitchen Heroes.



  1. Method

    • In a pan add the olive oil heat and sweat the onion, celery and leek until soft.
    • Stir in the parsnips, bay leaves, milk, water, KNORR Professional Vegetable Jelly Bouillon then bring to the boil and gently simmer until the vegetables are soft.
    • Blend the soup until smooth, season and keep hot.
  2. For the Parsley Cream:

    • Blanch the parsley in boiling salted water for 30 seconds, then refresh in ice wate.
    • Bring the cream to the boil and squeeze out the parsley then add the cream and blend until smooth.
    • Once the parsley cream has cooled fold the parsley purée through the whipped cream. Season and chill.
  3. To serve:

    • Place the soup into bowls adding a little parsley cream to the bowl along with Croutons.
Chef Inspiration